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Antap Beach, Bali Indonesia

Antap beach is one of the beaches are located in the village Antap, District Selemadeg, Tabanan, Bali province of Indonesia. In addition, Tabanan also has a beautiful nature with beach is still beautiful, and beautiful mountain. So this location is able to attract the attention of many local and international tourists. The beauty of the Antap beach able to become a powerful magnet to attract tourists to bekunjung to this place. This beach is very beautiful panorama charming with a quiet atmosphere that is perfect for visitors who love the convenience. At the time of the afternoon and holidays many visitors who come here with friends and family to play, swim and enjoy the surroundings.

Antap Beach, Bali Indonesia

Beginning this beach called Antap Beach because of its location in the village Antap, to make it easier to remember it is also called Antap Beach. Tabanan is one of the districts in the province of Bali which is very well known as the granary, because most of the area is the area of rice fields and is a major supplier of rice at the Island of Bali. Surrounding communities generally subsistence farmers, it can be seen clearly so you get to the location.

For visitors who want to come to this Antap Beach takes 1.5 hours with the distance of approximately 57 km from the city of Denpasar. To support the tourism sector and because of this unspoiled beach, the local government has to fix the buildings for the sake of beautifying tourist sites in this place, as well as the venue, shopping areas, parking areas and others. It is useful to further attract a lot of visitors that come and vacation in this beach.

With beauty Antap beach is still beautiful and comfortable, this beach could be one or recommendation list of places where you are vacationing on the island of Bali.
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